The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) advises pet owners to be careful about the kind of food their pets consume, particularly during holiday periods such as Easter and Christmas.

 Pets are an important part of the family but sharing human food to your pet as a treat is the sort of love that can hurt them. So it is important to know what treats are safe for pets.

 Vets regularly treat pets with digestive problems during holiday periods. Pet owners need to be aware that there are some foods that humans indulge in that are just not good for cats and dogs.

 Importantly, pets have a way of finding unattended party food without any help from us, so keep an eye on what food you leave within muzzle reach.

  Foods to avoid include:


  • Chocolate – is toxic to dogs and cats, even in small quantities
  • Avocadoes – contains a dangerous toxin in the seed and skin which can damage the heart, lungs and tissue of many different animals. While it may not be a big problem for dogs, the amount of toxin can vary depending on the type of avocado. Definitely don’t give dogs access to the seeds as they can also cause choke, or a physical blockage to the intestine.
  • Turkey skin, pork crackling, sausages and other fatty meats – can lead to inflammation of the pancreas due to the high fat content
  • Onions and garlic – can cause gastric irritation and anaemia if they are consumed in large quantities
  • Grapes and raisins – can cause acute kidney failure
  • Macadamia nuts – can be toxic to dogs. Signs will likely occur within 12 hours and can include vomiting, hyperthermia and elevated heart rate
  • Nutmeg – one of the lesser known poisonous foods. Dogs can suffer from tremors, seizures, nervous system abnormalities, and even death
  • Xylitol – a sweetener now widely used in sugar free food such as cakes, muffins and bread should not be accessible to pets


If you suspect your pet has eaten something toxic you should contact a veterinarian immediately. The best treat you can give your pet is a quality, pet-specific treat from your vet clinic, pet store, supermarket, or favourite on-line store that contains the right nutrients for their diet. Your pets, and their waistlines, will thank you.

 So the Call To Action is, if you wish to provide a holiday gift or treat for your pet, we have identified the following products as possible options:

 The Idepet Dog Toy Ball is a product that not only dispenses treats, but assists with environmental enrichment and dental hygiene.

 The Sanwooden Funny Cat Chew Ball is a product for cats that can help with dental hygiene and environmental enrichment.